Thursday 14 April 2011

The beautification of the studio and identity

This is the last year illustration will spend in the jm building studio. Next year the studio will be in a brand new building at the bottom end of town. Because of this, we've been told we can pretty much do what we want; draw on the walls, the tables. And so we have.

True love among the madness.

El Peter

Beautiful ghost princess

To honour the studio we decided to incorporate it as our theme for the degree show this year. I suggested a wall where third years could draw to create a mishmash of images that would become our visual identity. Unfortunately my idea didn't translate too well from what I had in mind to what other people thought.

Despite being an illustration course, drawing is not a forte for most people, it's not something that grips them, that controls them as it were. When I was younger I went on holiday abroad with my family; I made the mistake of not bringing any pens or paper. I remember feeling myself going mad, wanting so badly to draw and going insane at not being able to. I imagine it's how addicts feel when away from their vice of choice, be it drugs, alcohol or what have you. I knew from that moment, that I was addicted to drawing. That would forever be my drug. Luckily I got hold of a pen, and then would draw on any napkins and bits of paper I could find.

It seems most people, not even those on an illustration course, feel like that. Many don't even like drawing, which I find difficult to understand. And so the wall became something quite different. It was a pasted wall of already made things. It's nice, but not as... Organic as I had envisioned it in my mind

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