Thursday 12 May 2011

Artist Spotlight: Olly Moss

I just came across this faaaantastic video on Mike Mitchell's blog. Olly Murs is a name I've heard of, but never really bothered to find out who he is. Watching this video, I think I can tell I'm gonna be a fan of his

Having gone on his blog:, I realised I had come across some of his work before, and to sum it up in the simplest of terms: it's good work.

Olly Moss was born in '87. That means he IS ONE YEAR OLDER THAN ME. And he is making illustrations for Empire magazine and Marvel (meaning he got to visit the Thor set!) In fact, here's his current client list:

CLIENTS: Lucasfilm / Star Wars, Star Trek, ABC / LOST, Levis. The Alamo Drafthouse, Urban Outfitters, Nike, Puma, Penguin, Wired, GQ, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Financial Times Magazine, Threadless

Say it with me folks: oh, my, god. OH MY GOD. It's kinda really encouraging but really freakin' scary too.

I'm gonna say this flat out; I don't know what I'm gonna do when I leave uni. And considering that's less than 2 months away, that's a pretty freaking scary thought. I'm always waiting for some ...magic event to happen that will land me with an awesome career as an awesome artist.

As an ultimate goal, for some time in the future, but not too far, is to run a gallery. An illustration gallery.

For years I've been aware of various galleries in America that I would love to one day, have my work in.

Nucleus Gallery

Gallery 1988

Bird and Bear Gallery.

These galleries are all sorts of awesome; they cater to Illustration and graphic design, they're run by young people and display young artists. To sum it up, it's all very cool. And I want one. I don't know if it's just my own naiivity, but I feel illustration isn't very accessible outside of places like London (and possibly some other big cities)

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