Wednesday 9 March 2011

Artist spotlight: Eleanor Davis.

Eleanor Davis is an artist I happened across through another artist's blog (unfortunately I can't remember who at this time) and I fell in love with her work right away.

Something about her work is very, arg the word escapes me...., raw. (for lack of a better word)In particular, women are depicted quite... Animalisticly, once again, for lack of a better word. More often than not naked, breasts hang down and are moved by gravity in a way not seen in Hollywood or fashion.

By a happy chance, I was recently able to happen across the entirety of Mome publication in a charity shop. It was a Canadian comic graphic novel with a mix of different artists each edition. I noticed them as the first one I saw had an eleanor Davis illustration on the front. I got them all for about £20, bloody brilliant.

I've always admired artists, especially female artists, who are unafraid to depict nudity and especially sexual themes (or even just sex) Davis is one of these artists, she honestly draws women and men as they exist, not as they're warped in society.

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