Wednesday 9 February 2011

I have a backlog of posts I've been storing in Word cause I wanted my first post to be my proposal. Now that's posted I can post the backlog, then finally get up to date.

28th Jan 2011.

Quite possibly my best day at university so far.
In the morning we had a lecture from a rather wonderful lady Fig Taylor. Fig is the portfolio consultant at AOI (Association of Illustrators) and it's damn easy to see why she's been doing this job 25 years. Incredibly informative, and witty to boot, Fig gave a lecture that has put my post-university future in more perspective (though I won't deny, as an artist with more than one distinct style, it has also made me slightly worried)
Overall, Fig's talk was fantastic, and it's highly tempting to buy her book (as well as some others I spied on Amazon)
Fig's book: If Fig's book is anything like her talk I know it will be a useful asset to have.

I liked the look of Illustration 101 cause it seemed to give true insider tips, like tactics on how to call art directors (or get their names so you could call later and know who to get to)

In the afternoon a small group of us were lucky enough to have a raptor (bird of prey) drawing masterclass with John Norris Wood. John is a ridiculously talented natural history illustrator who taught at the Royal College of art. The day was everything you could have hoped for and more, and we were allowed to get very close to the birds.

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